Locations Visited
The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is an area in which any military activities are not permitted, dividing Korean peninsula roughly into half. It was established to serve as buffer zone between South Korea and North Korea based on Korean Armistice Agreement of Korean War in 1953.
Photo Gallery

The Peace Bell at Imgingak Peace Park
The Peace Bell was built in 2000 aiming to pray for human peace and global unification. Because the 20th century witnessed division in Korean peninsula, this bell also symbolizes the warm welcome of the 21st century.
Symbol of Peace and Remembrance
The wires shown in the picture was actually used in the border line between North and South Korea in order to prevent people from entering the other land.
Derailed Steam Train at Imgingak Park
This is a display of derailed steam locomotive, which used to go to Sinuiju in North Korea before separation. Since being bombed and derailed in Korean War, it has been remained at the same place for more than 60 years with tons of bullet holes on its surface.
The View from the Dora Observatory
At the top of the Dora observatory, visitors can peer into North Korea using a telescope. Although it is invisible in the picture, we could see the flagpoles of the both nations.