Locations Visited
416 Sewol Families for Truth and Safer Society
4/16 Foundation
4/16 Memorial House
Memorial Hall for the Victims of the Sewol Ferry @Ansan
Sewol Ferry Tragedy
Approximately 300 people died when the ferry MV Sewol sank on April 16, 2014, carrying about 476 passengers. Around 250 of these victims were students from Danwon High School who were traveling to Jeju Island as part of a field trip from Incheon.
The foundations we visited are primarily operated by Danwon High School families who want to know the truth behind the Sewol ferry sinking and why their children had to pay the price for the flagrant carelessness and poor management.
Photo Gallery

416 Sewol Families for Truth and a Safer Society
The symbol of the organization consists of clouds attached to a sailing ship. The clouds represent the people (family, friends and loved ones) who want to know the truth and will not let go of the past before it is revealed. The primary purpose of this organisation is to find out the truth behind the tragedy, remember and respect the lives of the victims and ensure that a disaster such as this is never repeated.

4/16 Foundation
The Yellow Ribbon has been actively used as the symbol for the Sewol Ferry Tragedy. Yellow represents hope for the safety of the return of the victims, solidarity, and to show respect. The yellow ribbon was an idea adopted from World War II when families of soldiers would tie yellow ribbons around trees in the hope that their child would return after the war is over. The significance of this ribbon is held very close to the hearts of those who had to go through the pain of losing their loved ones in this disaster.
4/16 Memorial House
The memory house has preserved the classrooms as well as staff rooms of the victims of the tragedy. Here, there are desks dawned with the belongings, flowers, pictures, letters and messages for the students who lost their lives. The classroom has a blackboard with messages written by seniors, juniors and teachers in 2014, hoping for the safe return of their friends.

Memorial Hall for the Victims Of the Sewol Ferry
The Memorial Hall for the victims of the Sewol ferry holds the ashes and other belongings of the victims of the tragedy who weren't students from Danwon High. These victims included families, international tourists, divers and people who tried to help during the disaster. They also display a model of the MV Sewol Ferry, indicating the cargo overloaded more than the ship could support. There are displays of sand art, news flashes and documentaries that have been created in remembrance of the victims, reminding us not to forget their misery and continue striving for the truth.